Welcome to the Facially Conscious Podcast!

Season 3

Jan. 24, 2023

The Cosmetic Ingredient List & How Ingredients Get Their Names with D…

Why are a product's ingredients on its label? What are you supposed to know when you read it? Why are some ingredients on the box while others are on the container? Can brands name ingredients anything they want to or …

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Jan. 17, 2023

Caring For Your Neck: From Products to Procedures

Is your neck showing signs of age faster than your face? Not surprising, especially with the deep creases and mottled skin of 'tech neck' brought about by constantly looking down at phones, tablets, and computers with their blue-light-emitting screens. In …

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Jan. 10, 2023

5 Facts to Know Before You Choose a Facial Cleanser

Is choosing a facial cleanser just another frustrating challenge you don't need in your life? Join Trina and Rebecca as they make your life a tad bit easier when they discuss these 5 Facts You Need to Know Before Choosing …

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Jan. 3, 2023

Treating aging from a symptom perspective with Dr. Mark Lees

As we age, most of us rely on 'kitchen sink' skincare designed to treat a wide swath of skin changes that make us look older - including lines and wrinkles, enlarged pores, dark spots, sagging, roughness, and other ills. These …

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