Since microneedling actually punctures your skin, it is extremely important to take care of the treated areas in specific ways for 48-72 hours after the procedure - even if you’re performing the treatment at home. Once this time has passed, slowly re-introduce your normal routine. Here are some tips:
- Cover up. Because your skin will be sensitive and more prone to sun damage than usual, avoid the sun or cover-up.
- SFP Cover Up. If you must go in the sun, wear a titanium dioxide and/or zinc oxide SPF 50+ sunscreen with no fragrance, colorants, any other sunscreens, or anything that stings.
- Avoid infection.
- Apply antibiotic cream or gel.
- Wash and disinfect your hands before touching the treated area.
- If you can, don’t wear makeup. If you must, apply makeup with new or freshly sterilized brushes, sponges, and other makeup tools.
- Don’t go in swimming pools, lakes, the ocean, saunas, or whirlpools.
- Avoid intense sweating - like when you work out.
- Use gentle, fragrance-free skin care:
- Use lukewarm water or a gentle, tissue-off, or water-rinsable cleanser
- Light, hydrating moisturizer without sunscreen
- Hyaluronic acid in serum or moisturizer
- Any other products your doctor recommends
- Avoid these ingredients (unless directed by your doctor):
- Retinols
- Vitamin Cs
- Glycolic, lactic, mandelic, or other AHAs
- Mechanical exfoliants
- Isopropyl, SD-alcohol, or rubbing alcohol
- Alcohol-based witch hazel
- Acetone
- Foundation, blush, concealer, contouring (they’ll seep into the holes created by the needles and may get infected or cause surface scarring)
Your doctor will probably provide specific aftercare instructions based on your skin condition and medical history. If they don’t, ask them to. Then follow the instructions carefully.